Vertical: Athens - Greece. A young refugee child stands for a picture with a life vest at Galatsi Olympic Hall in Athens, a placed turned into refugee camp by greek goverment after public areas were used a camp sites because no shelter options were available. Horizontal: Kos - Greece. View of Aegean Sea with the coast line of Bodrum in background, Bodrum is a Turkish turistic town and one of the main points of departure of boats crossing the Aegean sea towards Greece.

Vertical: Lesvos - A Syrian refugee prays and thanks just as the boat reaches land in the area between Efthalou and Skala Sakamideas with more than 40 asylum seekers. Horizontal: Kos - An abandoned boat is seen on a beach close to Kos main port and the improvised camp for refugees.

Lesvos - Arrival of a boat filled with some 200 people close to Efthalou area in the northern part of the island. After dropping the refugees in a very unsafe area the smuggler and boat driver went back to point of departure in Turkey. A fierce discussion took place between locals and volunteers about the duty of detain the smuggler or let him go.

Vertical: Athens - A little 3 months old baby girl sleeps in a makeshift bed at the refugee shelter in Galatsi Olympic Hall. Horizontal: Lesvos - Local population, aid workers, volunteers and journalists help some 200 refugees to safely reach land at Efthalou area of the island.

Vertical: Kos - Bamba Souleyman, 22 years from Ivory Coast waits for his registration papers to continue his uncertain way maybe towards France together with 3 other Ivorian friends. Horizontal: Kos - A group of recently arrived refugees from Syria, Mali and Pakistan drink water and recieve some dry clothes before continuing their way towards registration office.

Lesvos. A man recieve first aid attention by some paramedics and volunteers just after arriving in a remote northern area of Lesvos Island. For the last months a big wave of refugees, mostly from Syria but also from wartorn countries as Irak or Afghanistan has hit the greek islands close to Turkey but this route has been used by inmigrants for many years now.

Vertical: Lesvos - Kamiran, a syrian kurdish of 27 years old, is seen just after arriving to mainland together with his family from Kobani, a kurdish frontline city in the border with Turkey, some 150 kms from Aleppo. Horizontal: Lesvos - A family cry and hug together after a very difficult sailing from turkish coast to Skala Sikamineas area of Lesvos Island.

Vertical: Lesvos - Haboosh Taya, 18 years old, stands for a picture just after she, her family and some 200 more refugees from Syria arrive to a remote area of Lesvos Island. Horizontal: Lesvos - A syrian refugee woman covers her face as she steps down of the boat that brought her from Turkish coast.

Vertical: Lesvos - Samer Nassif, 27 years old, from Homs in Syria stands up for a picture at the time he thanks me and the media for covering the displacement and inmigration issues and saying he understands it as he was himself video camera collaborator for a news agency. Horizontal: Lesvos - View of the arrival of one of the many boats that have been reaching the island daily for the last months. Some days more than 2000 people arrive from Turkey to islands like Lesvos, Kos, Leros and many others Aegean islands.

Vertical: Athens - Kossar M, 3 years old from Kandahar in Afghanistan, stands for a picture in the temporary refugee shelter in Galtasi Olympic Hall before she and her family continue their way to Sweden. Horizontal: Kos - A life vest for little child is seen abandoned in one of the main point of arrivals in Kos Island.

Lesvos - View of some of the many life vests left by refugees at their point of arrival after crossing the sea from Turkey.

Lesvos - A syrian woman comforts her little daughter just after their arrival while they wait for her husband to recieve some medical care due presumably to a heavy hit on the head.

Vertical: Athens - Tabish Ahmadi, 14 years old, stands for a picture in the refugee shelter in Galtasi Olympic Hall. Tabish tells in a very good english how hard and dangerous the crossing was for him at the point they had to go back to departure point and some part of his family, including his mother had to continue in another boat. Horizontal: Kos - View of a propeller taken from a boat by a greek man daily visiting the arrival points to take the spare parts from the inflatable boats and the boat itself for reselling.

Vertical: Kos - Ali Sharahi, 52 years old from Teheran, stands for a picture at the Kos improvised refugee camp close to the port. Ali says he decided to move Teheran due to the heavy repression, now his wife and daughter are in Istanbul because he did not want them to face the dangers of crossing the sea. Horizontal: Lesvos - A syrian mother comforts her little daughter after a high risks crossing of Aegean Sea from Turkish coast. Boat was in very difficult conditions and had to be rescued with some 40 people by spanish coast guard volunteers.

Vertical: Kos - View of one of the main arrival points close to beach light house. Horizontal: Lesvos - Exhausted , an afghan refugee takes a rest on the floor after he just reach land in a boat with a completely broken motor. Engines used for this crossing are very rudimentary and not at all adapted to move the quantity of people inside the boats.

Lesvos - A family of syrian refugees recently arrived start the long walk that will take them to an aid point with dry clothes and some water and food. In days of massive arrivals not enough transportation is available what force the inmigrants to walk many kilometers from the remote areas of arrival until camps or registration points.

Vertical: Athens - Satish Ahmadi, 4 years old, stands for a portrait at the refugee shelter in Galatsi Olympic Hall. She and her brother lost contact with their family when the engine of their boat broke and were force to go back to point of departure in Turkey. Horizontal: Lesvos - A mother covers her daughter after recieving her from another boat that was drifting due to engine problems. A group of volunteers coast guard rescued them.

From top left: 1. Muhammed Mazar, 26 yrs from Lahore - Pakistan (in Kos). 2. Karamo Sangare, 33 yrs from Abidjan - Ivory Coast (in Kos). 3. Ali, 13 yrs from Kobani - Syria (in Lesvos). 4. Mohammad Ali Mohammadi, 16 yrs and born in Teheran from afghan parents (in Athens). 5. Sajjad Kasmi, 20 yrs from Daska - Pakistan (in Kos). 6. Hamed Hosaini, 19 yrs from Herat - Afghanistan (in Kos). 7. Ali Raza, 40 years old from Islamabad - Pakistan (in Kos). 8. Fateme Mohammadi, 15 yrs born in Teheran from Afghan parents (in Athens). 9. Mossen, 12 yrs from Kobani - Syria. Mossen was held in captivity for 6 months by the terrorist group self called ISIS (in Lesvos). 10. Lamine Kaba, 25 yrs old from Kankan - Guinea (in Kos). 11. Haniye Barati, 15 yrs born in Teheran from Afghan parents (in Athens). 12. No name given (in Kos). 13. Saeed Mohammadi, 3 years old from Kabul - Afghanistan (in Athens). 14. Butt Ahsan, 28 yrs from Lahore - Pakistan (in Kos). 15. Saeed Mohammadi, 8 yrs born in Teheran from Afghan parents (in Athens). 16. Sunni Sahi, 18 yrs from Gujranwala - Pakistan (in Kos). 17. Mustapha, 16 yrs from Kobani - Syria (in Lesvos). 18. Ahmad Ali Mohammadi, 14 yrs old born in Teheran from Afghan parents (in Athens).

Vertical: Kos - Recently arrived refugees stand for a picture just after reaching land in a lonely area of Kos Island. Kos - Pakistani inmigrants play volleyball at dusk in the improvised refugee camp in Kos downtown.

Kos - View of a list daily published by police authorities with the people convened for that day to recieve the registration documents that will allow them to move around EU countries and ask for asylum. Syrian citizens recieve 60 days period while other nationalities recieve 30 days.

Kos - At the camp for refugees and asylum seekers H. Rahman, a doctor from Bangladesh, dries his documents and cellphone after his few belongings got heavely wet in the crossing of Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece in little inflatable boat together with some 8 follow inmigrants.

Vertical: Athens - Zahra Mohammadi, 50 years old from Afghanistan, stands for a portrait as she waits together with 5 of her sons at Victory Square in Athens to get a bus that will take them to border with Macedonia. Horizontal: Ali Sharahi, 52 years old from Teheran, shows the pictures of his wife and daughter. Ali inmigrate from Teheran due, in his words, to heavy repression and control and left his family in Istanbul while finding a safe way to bring them to Europe and avoid the risks of crossing the sea.

Vertical: Lesvos - A recently arrived syrian refugee heats himself in Skala Sikamineas after crossing the Aegean Sea with some other 40 persons in a inflatable boat from Turkish coast. Horizontal: Kos - Two flatable small boats for 4 persons arrive with more than 10 inmigrants each one are seen paddling towards a beach in the greek island of Kos.

Lesvos - A group of young asylum seekers look from the ship ready to sail while hundreds of other refugees wait for another ship at Lesvos main port. Authorities have been unable to follow the registration process at the same pace that new refugees arrive daily.

Vertical: Lesvos - A recently arrived refugee stand for a picture while covering his face. No name given. Horizontal: At the ship between Lesvos and Athens a refugee shows some pictures of him fighting as a Sniper for the Free Syrian Army. This big wave of inmigration represents a challenge for recieving countries to help bringing together the lives of many people heavily affected by war. Many of them directly as victims but also as participants with some of the many factions involved in the different conflicts where inmigrants come from.

Vertical: Athens - A young refugee recently arrived to a refugee shelter in Galatsi Olympic Hall stands for a picture in front of a paint with Afghan flag. Horizontal: Athens - View of a wall paint with the frase "I love you" in Galatsi refugee shelter.

Athens - View of some of the many makeshift beds at the dormitory hall for men in Galatsi Olympic Hall. Many of the refugees just abandon most of their belongings at each step knowing that the way is long and heavy bags will make it harder to walk or change plans in last minute.

Vertical: Athens - An afghan woman sits in Victoria Square in city's downtown waiting for news on a bus that will take her and her family towards greek border with Macedonia. Horizontal: Groups of Afghan asylum seekers board the buses with destination to border with Macedonia.

Athens - Muhammed Hussain, 54 years old from Karachi - Pakistan calls refugees to board the third bus departing from Athens to border with Macedonia. Each bus charges some 60 passagers and are completely booked.

Vertical: Athens - Havagool, 24 years old from Bamiyan - Afghanistan stands for a picture as he talks about the route to follow in order to reach Germany. He says he just wants to continue his formation and career on cumputer and networks programming. Horizontal: Athens - A group of refugees mostly from Afghanistan and Pakistan waits for another bus to come as one bus get full and leaves towards greek border with Macedonia. That will be just one of the next many steps across Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and many others different countries depending on refugee's destinations.